Technology and Old People Don’t MIx

Technology and old people don’t mix. I thought I was pretty literate, even learning html and running my own website but that was years ago. Today's technology has me dependent on my son and grandkids. If I was working I would have an IT specialist on call or at least a coworker to ask. Now my phone has a mind of its own, is it working today? What, I just turned the sound down so it's not broken? ID10T my son says that spells idiot in tech language. So I am now a very old one time savvy person turned into a babbling idiot. I believe it’s because this generation of tech savvy kids talk their own language and I missed the boat. Why must they make things so hard? Just the other day I tried to enter a piece of art into the CAVA art show. That’s Chicago Area Visual Arts for people over 50. The registration site talks about dpi's, pass words, membership verification, downloads, PDF, on and on. I don’t have a password so creating one was a pain. Once created I was asked to re-enter it. By that time I’de forgotten what I entered. Even my tech savvy son got frustrated with it. What happened to the kiss theory? Keep it simple stupid. In the old days I talked to a person. Now I talk to AI and AI doesn’t always hear me correctly. That results in a lot of swearing on my end. Plus by the time I figure it all out I’m frustrated and often decide I don’t want what I started out to accomplish or more often I’ve forgotten what it was. Give me the good old days, when I didn’t have to rely on family to bail me out.




Pomp and Circumstance