Blow It

Blow It, I remember that phrase well and not from,,, a blow out sale, blow out the candles, ,,blow your runny nose, ,,,or Blow, as in nose candy. This is how the phrase ties in with my past life” while bringing up boy”s”….Matt age 8 and Adam age 6 are my boys and also my playmates. Let me pause here to bring you up to speed. I may look like a harmless well mannered old gal. I am not. This gal has a mouth like a truck driver with a social disease… Now,Here’s what follows...I’m in a hurry to get them home after stopping at the post office. I back out without looking and hear a horn honk loud, clear and often. With that “Blow it out your ass” pops out of my cultured mouth. The back window is rolled down and two little heads pop out repeating my phrasing. ….”Did You hear our Mommy??? She said “Blow it out your ass”. In their best holler. The offending driver was so shocked his car stood still. The occupants hooted, hollered and laughed while tying up traffic. The people on the sidewalk stopped cold and stared at us, in disbelief. In case they missed it my boys repeated it again “ That's right our Mommy said “Blow it out your ass” Like they didn’t already have a big enough audience…. Luck was on my side, there were no people we knew within hearing distance… In the end everyone moved on. Once home there was a lecture on not repeating what Mommy says when she’s angry because it’s meant just for us. You know, like “what goes in Vegas stays in Vega’s”.


Frogs I Have Kissed


Goran the Magnificent